Client Stories

I went to see Jo as I was suffering with a Hiatus Hernia, and it was more than food making me uncomfortable. Not only was I limiting food to non-acidic, low sugar foods but having to sleep propped up at a right angle as the pain in my back in the mornings was unbearable if the acid settled in my windpipe overnight, gravity was needed to keep it down. On top of that I was taking prescription medication daily to help prevent stomach acid rising into my windpipe thanks to the hernia.
Jo worked her magic, not just with identifying which foods to avoid (and therefore which ones I could start eating again!) but with a combination of supplements to tackle the hernia and the stomach acid head on. After around six weeks of taking them, I was able to scale right back to just a few that helped maintain things once it had settled. Over lockdown I came off the supplements altogether and have no problems at all, I'm eating normally, have been off the medication for around two years now and able to sleep flat.
I can’t recommend Jo enough; her knowledge and understanding has been instrumental in my recovery. Her knowledge in this field and ability to adapt as necessary to changing needs is a great asset. I have started to see Jo again for another issue now I know she can help resolve things without the need for prescribed medication and make me feel normal again.
I went to see Jo after numerous doctors’ visits telling me there was nothing wrong but knowing this couldn’t be it! My symptoms presented as lack of energy, exhaustion (if I stopped, I’d just fall asleep) and a general feeling of “I can’t be bothered”. This wasn’t me and I knew I couldn’t carry in like this. I was diagnosed as having hypothyroidism a couple of years ago, but my levels were apparently ‘normal’ with my medication, so it could not be that. All my blood results were normal so I was told by the doctor to take multi vitamins and a banana a day (yeah, I know, a banana!).
I knew Jo from her yoga classes (which may I say are AMAZING!) and followed her on Instagram. It was on Instagram I saw her talk about Kinesiology, could this be my answer??
After an initial zoom type meeting with Jo I went for treatment, where she tested my muscle response to certain supplements and then massaged lymphatic areas of my body, we also had a lovely chat. I left with a plan Jo had tailored to me. Within just days I noticed the difference! Not just a little change, a major change for the good! My energy levels have skyrocketed, I have a new lust for life and I’m getting back into all my hobbies I used to love doing, but just couldn’t be bothered with before! I would highly recommend this to everyone! Whatever is going on in your life I wholeheartedly believe everyone should try Kinesiology! It has changed my life for the better. Thanks Jo, you have given me my life back!

Over the last few months, I have been attending Jo's Kinesiology clinic, as I felt like I needed a health MOT. I wasn't feeling my best, and felt like I needed a boost, both physically and emotionally. As a result of the treatment, I now feel much better: my sleep pattern has improved, I have more energy throughout the day (no more afternoon slumps!) and my digestion has greatly improved. I also feel in a much better place to deal with stressful situations and feel more confident in my own abilities.