Mabon blessings & a very happy Autumn Equinox to you - on this day we find divine balance as night & day are of equal length. Ostara, Spring Equinox is an invitation to unfurl into the light & energy of the longer days. So, for some this time of year can be challenging as from today, our days get shorter, an invitation to journey inward toward the winter hibernation phase of natures cycle otherwise know as Winter Solstice.
Fear not tho! This time of year is absolutely stunning, with nature once again showing us just how simple it is to let go. I know this sounds like a woo woo cliche, so here's what I mean and how you can experience it. Go for a nature bathe in the woods, stand still under a tree and watch the leaves fall from the branches. They just fall, There's no discussion with friends, horoscope consultation, should I shouldn't I.... they just let go. Nature knows when it's time and when we work with nature we understand it's cues and believe me it makes so much easier and sweeter. We all know when there's things in our lives that need to go, the job, the relationship, the car, the clothes that no longer fit etc etc yet we seem to hang on for way longer than is healthy causing us pain and imbalance in mind, body & soul.
Foods To Forage
Nettles - are still around to pick & great for soup, take your gloves to harvest them!
Dandelion leaves too, give them a good wash, just incase ;)...great for salads
Mushrooms are in abundance right now but please go with a professional forager if you're not sure what you're looking for....could make for an out of this world experience otherwise haha eeeep! Why not join someone like John Wright, River Cottage's foraging expert for a phenomenal day out in nature and getting to eat what you forage after.
Natures Gifts
Whilst I was teaching my lunchtime outdoor corporate yoga class I noticed how golden the sunlight was, step away from your screens & go tilt your head up to soak it all in. You know I love my trees aren't they gorgeous with all the different hues of late summer & autumn, maybe collect some fallen leaves for your home altar. Look out for hedgehogs and squirrels stocking up & preparing for winter and mating season is here for the deer, sometimes on my drive home at nite through the valley a stag will be standing in the road, so majestic and on the hunt for females! Finally if you live near trees you might get the amazing sound of hooting owls in the evening, barn owls in particular are more visible with their white feathers against the night sky. I always feel so blessed when I see one.
Journal Prompts
An equinox celebrates balance, where do you feel balance & harmony in your life?
Where are you out of balance in your body or what is out of balance in your life?
How can you restore balance in the areas of your life that feels out of balance?
Reflect on what personal "crops" your grown this year have come to fruition?
What are you harvesting & most grateful for in this season ?
When you're on the mat practising or walking in nature, infact how ever you're moving for the next few days think about transitions ie one footstep to the next, one season to another and one pose to another as it's all in the transition of how we move and the intention we have in that moment. Slow down and tap into your body's innate wisdom and most of all enjoy.
I hope you enjoyed this Mabon round up, I love writing to help keep you in season, aligned with your true nature and therefore balanced. Reflect on all the seeds you planted back in Spring that are now part of your life and being harvested. Be proud of you, you change and lighten the world just by being here. Keep going, I believe in you.
Love Jo X