Hey you! How you getting on with week 2 of your No-vember? What have you said no to this past week and reclaimed that time back for YOU! Nothing is too small a thing to share - I'd LOVE to hear.
What you say no to comes in many shapes and forms, as we sometimes think it's only people we need to manage. This morning I chose to say no to a downward spiralling of mood & feelings. I acknowledged them, welcomed them in to sit & have a cuppa with me. I had hit overwhelm & asked what they needed to lift and the strongest feelings came to me of "time" & "rest". So this week I'm focussing on how I can make time for me and factoring in pockets of rest.
Then, I had a lovely hot shower, washed my hair, popped my bright coral coloured sports bra on so I had a vibrant colour against my heart and my fav slogan t-shirt - "you are a weapon of mass construction" and topped it all off with a hot pink jumper. Boom. The colours and slogan lifted me and I'm now ready to make my way through my day.....gently & authentically.
I hope my sharing and these simple steps help you for when you hit a similar time:
Sit with the feelings, do not go straight to numbing techniques like Netflix binging, scrolling on socials, eating biscuits etc
Recognise what it is you need right now to get you where you'd like to be
Don't beat yourself up (repeat to fade)
Do the thing(s) right now ie have the hot shower, wear the bright colourful clothes, make the call, diarise 30mins of rest in your day, get out in nature...etc
Simple steps aren't always easy - keep going & just do your best.
Onward - Jo xx